Welcome to Kerry Fox - Lifestyle Management & Coaching
My Story: For the last 10 years of my corporate career, I wore ‘being busy’ as a badge of honour. Missed events, sports days, parties, weekends working away, leaving the house at 8am and rarely rolling home before 7pm was the norm and all evidence to support how incredibly important my work was and how indispensable I’d become (or at least that was what I was telling myself).
However, this isn’t the ‘real’ me.
Those behaviours and that mindset were products of the culture I was working within and had been strongly influenced by over the years.
The real me is a person who bounces between wanting to be devilishly productive and achieve, achieve, achieve and someone who wants to invent a great big remote control and press pause on the world, whilst I sit still by a lake or get lost in a book.
In my experience we are all a little bit like this, we all have polarised traits within us and depending on what’s happening in our lives, on any given day, some will be on the pitch and winning, whilst others are sat on the bench watching.
Recognising this within myself was the catalyst to explore the world of coaching, and more recently, develop my Performance Lifestyle Management Programme. The thinking being, “If I have lived life with this mindset, then there must be thousands of others out there doing so too, that I can help” and so Kerry Fox – Lifestyle Management and Coaching was created.
My Credentials: In my work I draw upon the knowledge and skills gained from a Psychology degree, International Leadership & Management Qualification, Accredited Behaviour Programmes, the Barefoot PGCert in Business & Personal Coaching, as well as a career spent as a Treatment Manager, Commercial Director, Development Consultant, Youth Trainer and Mentor. I’m an active part of a Mixed Martial Arts Academy where I train and compete Nationally as part of their fight team.
My Way: Coaching most definitely isn’t one size fits all and you really can have it all. That’s why, when working with you, I will draw upon a variety of proven techniques and theories from Emotional Intelligence, Positive Psychology, High Performance Coaching, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and Social Psychology. I am experienced in high performance, lifestyle, motivation, youth, team and group coaching, with a niche working with individuals in high profile, pressured environments, such as performers, artists, athletes and coaches.
“I am passionate that by making some practical and some mindset changes, everyone can live a life that’s better than it is right now.
Everyone can shine given the right lighting, so much is possible for all of us and coaching both supports and accelerates this process”
My brand values:
Quality: What I do, I do as well as I possibly can. (or why bother?!)
Candour: Sometimes humour is the best way!
Personal Growth: If I’m expecting you to work on it, then I will too!
Integrity: Without this, having everything means nothing.
Courage: I have both the choice, and the will, to deal with challenges.